What Form of Energy Sharing Is Already Possible Today? A Look at the DACH Region (in German)

Friday, June 21, 2024

10:30 am - 11:30 am
Messe München
Hall B5, Booth B5.550

From an energy industry and energy policy perspective, a lot is currently happening in decentralised generation and in the prosuming sector. With its amendment to the Electricity Market Directive, the EU has strengthened the rights of citizens to participate in the energy transition and in Germany, the Solar Package I introduces community building supply, thus taking a major step towards energy sharing. However, for energy sharing to be successful on a large scale, it must above all be uncomplicated and economically viable.Austria and Switzerland are already a few steps ahead of Germany in this respect, which is why we want to discuss the future development of energy sharing: Energy sharing should become as simple as car sharing - where do the countries in the DACH region stand and what else is needed for this?

10:30 am - 10:35 amWelcome & Introduction

Flavia Röhrs, Senior Consultant Decentralized Generation, Association of Energy Market Innovators (bne)

10:35 am - 10:45 amWhat Comes With Solar Package I? Focus on Community Building Energy Supply and the Expected Energy Sharing in Solar Package II

Lisa Badum, Chairwoman of the Committee on Climate Protection and Energy, Member of the Bundestag, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen

10:45 am - 11:30 amPanel Discussion

Lisa Strippchen, Senior Expert Renewable Energies, Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena)

Stefano Coss, Co-founder, ed-energiedigital GmbH

Lisa Badum, Chairwoman of the Committee on Climate Protection and Energy, Member of the Bundestag, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen

Anselma Wörne, COO, Exnaton AG

Further Content
Dennis Schulmeyer, CEO from LADE GmbH
AI-Based Energy Management: The Future Is Now

The smarter E Podcast Episode 189 | Language: German

September 5, 2024

We speak with Dennis Schulmeyer about ai-based energy management

Joint Session
Hybrid PV Power Plants I: Providing Flexible Generation for the Energy System

Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

ICM München Room 14 B

Hybrid power plants play a crucial role in addressing the flexibility limitations of variable renewables. Solar and wind and/or battery storage systems improve grid-stability, allow to integrate more renewable energy and offer potential additional revenue for power plant operators. This session will include: Hybrid solar power plant case studies Status and developments of hybrid solar power plant systems Policy frameworks for a solar-based hybrid power supply

Joint Session
The smarter E Europe Conference Opening Session: GET ENERGIZED: RENEWABLES 24/7

Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 09:30 am - 11:00 am

ICM München Room 1

This is the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era, explained UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai last December. For the first time, the world community agreed to"transition away from fossil energy carriers" in order to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5° Celsius, sending a clear signal - also to investors. With a record deployment of 473 gigawatts of renewableenergy sources in 2023, we're on the right track, but we need to move faster, especially when it comes to expanding the required infrastructure such as grids, storage systems, and e-mobility. We will need sustainable solutions on all grid levels and in all sectors to meet the challenges of a renewable 24/7energy supply. How can the energy industry become climate neutral asquickly as possible? What challenges are utilities facing and how can they overcome them? Join us at our opening session, allow yourself to be inspired, and motivated to work towards a fossil fuel-free world!

Special Event
AWARD Ceremony

Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 06:15 pm - 07:30 pm


Interoperable and Secure Energy Data Sharing in a Consumer-Dominated Market

Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 02:00 pm - 03:30 pm

ICM München Room 13 A

The shift towards a consumer-centric market design is essential for a green and digital transition. The seamless interaction between consumers and the energy system requires robust data flows and communication among DERs, market players and the system. This session focuses on how forward-thinking businesses, system operators and policymakers work together to build a reliable, interoperable and cyber-secure energy data ecosystem. Join the debate on key requirements such as data access, consumer flexibility, interoperability, standardisation and cybersecurity for interoperable data flows as we move towards a resilient and renewable energy service economy that benefits both system operators and consumers.

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