Honest Discussions, Senior Level, No Audience – That is the Utility Knowledge Exchange

Expert Interview – January 15, 2024

Senior level executives from European grid operators, retailers and aggregators are gathering in Munich on June 20 to exchange views and experiences. In cooperation with EU DSO Entity, GEODE, DNV and ENCS, EM-Power Europe will organize 4 senior level boardroom style discussion sessions for utility professionals to increase knowledge and insights, intensify relationships and enhance cooperation opportunities.

Ms. Kreijkes, you are organizing the Utility Knowledge Exchange at EM-Power Europe. What is the objective of the event?

The main objective of the Utility Knowledge Exchange is to connect, learn and share. It is an opportunity for grid operators, retailers and aggregators to join honest discussions, bring up differing firsthand experiences and points of views and exchange in-depth knowledge without a commercial agenda. Here, participants can freely exchange views on the challenges of the energy transition, learn from each other and explore solutions.

What topics are the Utility Knowledge Exchange sessions dealing with?

In total there are 4 sessions, each focusing on a different topic. The range of topics extends from digital transformation and investment needs for DSOs, congestion and capacity management, data interoperability to enable flexibility and protecting your grid integration from cyber attacks.

Facilitators who are well versed on the topic will have questions prepared in advance and they will share a list of potential discussion themes with the participants ahead of the event. The participants will then be given the opportunity to prioritize the discussion themes and add additional topics of their interest to the list. This way the roundtable discussion will be tailored to their needs.

Who is the event aimed at? Who can participate?

The EM-Power Europe Utility Knowledge Exchange is exclusively organized for grid operators, utilities, retailers, aggregators and new energy services providers. In 2023 the sessions were attended by C-level as well senior-level technical directors from Alliander, Anell, Cuerva, Elvia, ENEDIS, Energia, E.ON, E-REDES, ESB, Göthenburg Energi, Hedno, Iberdrola, Oesterreichs Energie, SODO, SSEN Transmission, SWM Infrastuktur, TenneT, TransnetBW and others. So participants can expect a high level exchange of information and valuable new insights.

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